
voxmail - Open Source VoiceXML Voice Mail Application

About voxmail

voxmail is a software project that uses VXML, java, jsp, and a local directory structure to create a system that will allow callers to record, review, and leave a message for an inbox or login and remotely check and manage their voice messages.

voxmail offers the following features:

How to Use voxmail

Step 1: Verify everything is working correctly by making a test call
1a. Open the SIP phone by clicking on Start > All Programs > Voxeo > SIP Phone.
2a. Dial the number sip:voxmail@
3a. When prompted to press "1" for Test User's mailbox, do so.
4a. Follow the prompts to leave a message for Test User and hang up when finished.

Step 2: Checking Voice Mail Via the Web
1b. Open a web browser and go to the following URL:
2b. Click the "Test User" link at the bottom of this page to auto login to the Test User account.
3b. You should now see all the messages for Test User. Clicking on the "Voicemail Message" link will play the message.
4b. Clicking on any of the "Move to" links will move the message to the specified folder

Status of Current Version

This is still alpha software. It is a great project to learn about more complex VXML applications, dynamic VXML from jsp, and using both VoiceXML and HTML to access a common data store. This software is based on a commercial AutoAttendant and includes many features that you can explore including: operator transfers, dynamic greetings and call retrying. The application can be greatly augmented by including a full set of pre-recorded audio prompts in place of the existing text to speech prompts. This application has been tested as working with the Voxeo Prophecy platform.


The Voice Conference Manager project releases its files via Sourceforge.